FSM Parents,
We look forward to welcoming your child back to FSM and as I am sure you can appreciate the health and wellbeing of your child and the wider FSM community are our primary concern.
In order for us to ensure that we are protecting our community as much as possible, we ask that all parents complete the survey below for each of their children who attend FSM. Please complete this survey by Wednesday 2nd September 10.00am BST so we make informed choices about how to support children in their return to School.
Without a returned survey we may not allow pupils to return to FSM.
Kind Regards
Senior Leadership Team, FSM
As you will no doubt have noticed, the Government has changed the national guidance regarding face masks for secondary age pupils.
As a result, our agreed line is that face masks are a preferred option for boys and girls over the age of 11 but that they are not compulsory. The boys and girls will be spending little time in corridors and the New Forest is not a high risk area at present in terms of infections. However, boys and girls over the age of 11 must carry some face masks with them in case they are required to wear them (e.g. queuing for lunch, Science practicals, Art, DT or other activities where some circulation may be needed during a lesson).
- Used PPE and any disposable face coverings that staff or children arrive wearing may be placed in a refuse bag and disposed of as normal domestic waste.
- Any non-disposable washable cloth face coverings that staff or children are wearing when they arrive at FSM may be removed by the wearer and placed into a plastic bag that the wearer has brought with them in order to take it home. The wearer must then wash their hands. Staff, children and parents will be so instructed.
Our 2020 / 21 academic year term dates can be found here.