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Year 2 Bird Boxes Art

Year 2’s Amazing Bird Boxes

In a combined effort, Year 2 made bird boxes in Forest School with Mr Humphreys and then decorated them in […]

Reception Children Read their own Amazing Stories

This year, our Reception children were particularly inspired by World Book Day They decided to take their love for books […]

Reception Reading their own Stories
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy a Stratospheric Success

We are thrilled to announce the success of our Year 7 and 8 production of “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.” […]

Mars Day 2023 Amaze Lab Challenge

Today is Mars Day, and the pupils of Forres Sandle Manor have been exploring this incredible planet. Mars Mars, the […]

Harp Workshop

Harp Workshops a Huge Success

Today in the Forres Sandle Manor Music Department, pupils had the opportunity to participate in a harp workshop. The workshop […]

FOSM’s Who Done It a Huge Success

Friends of Sandle Manor’s Who Done It a Huge Success The Friends of Sandle Manor recently hosted a ‘Who Done […]

FOSM Who Done It

World Book Day 2023

What an amazing World Book Day we are having here at school today. Children and staff have been dressing up […]

Clayesmore Cross Country Team Celebrate Success

On Wednesday 22nd February the Cross Country teams of FSM recently participated in Clayesmore’s massive relay event. The event involved runners […]

Cross Country Team at Clayesmore
Year 2 Global Canvas

Year 2 Enter the Global Canvas Art Competition

Our Year 2 have been taking part in the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation’s Global Canvas competition. Global Canvas children’s art […]

FOSM Support Learning with Purchase of Exciting Spike Prime Lego

Our Friends of Sandle Manor (FOSM) do a fabulous job organizing events and raising money to help the school provide […]

Spike Prime Educational Lego