News - Forres Sandle Manor


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Junior and Senior Prep Swimming Gala Race

Junior and Senior Prep Swimming Gala A huge Success

It was a highly competitive afternoon in the pool as we hosted our Junior and Senior Prep Swimming Gala! The […]

End of Term Prizegiving a Huge Success

Our Prizegiving ceremony was a huge success, graced by esteemed guests such as former Headmaster of Sandle Manor, Mr Malcolm […]

National Athletics Success 2024

Success for our Athletes in the National Athletics Finals 2024

National Athletics Finals 2024 As our Summer Term concluded, our pupils have been taking part in the National Athletics Finals […]

Years 5 and 6 Residential Week Fun at PGL Barton Hall

Years 5 and 6 Residential Barton Hall – Day 1 Our Years 5 and 6 have arrived safely at Barton […]

Barton Hall PGL Fun
Year 3 and 4 Adventure Week Beach Group

Years 3 and 4 Adventure Week

Adventure Week – Day 1 The Great Adventure Week was off to a flier as Years 3 and 4 headed […]

Fantastic Fun on Years 7 and 8s Residential to Normandy

And they’re off! On the Boat to Caen Our Year 7 and 8 students have embarked on their exciting residential […]

Year 4 Geography Sponsored Camp Out Tent

Year 4 Geography Camp Out Fun

Year 4 Geography Our Year 4 Geographers have had an eventful week while diving deep into their ‘Environmental Issues and […]

Senior Wessex Athletics Championships Success

Congratulations to Our Years 6, 7, and 8 Pupils on Their Success at the Senior Wessex Athletics Championships! A huge […]

Senior Wessex Championships Group
Karate Grading Moves

Karate Grading a Huge Success

Yesterday marked a significant milestone for our Pre-Prep and Prep Karate pupils as they undertook their official grading, the rigorous […]

Junior Wessex Athletics Success

Selected Y3-5 athletes competed at Junior Wessex on Saturday (08/06/24). They were a real credit to the school in terms […]

Junior Wessex Athletics Group