Boarding Blog - Page 9 of 10 - Forres Sandle Manor

Boarding Blog

Action Packed Weekend

An action-packed first weekend

It was lovely to welcome ten new boarders into the house after Easter.  Our ‘in weekend’, which begins each term, […]

Heroes and Villains

From suffragettes to Superman and Cadbury’s Heroes to Cruella De Vil, FSM was awash with Heroes and Villains on Monday as the […]

Heroes & Villains
Happy Easter

‘Hoppy’ Easter!

On a glorious, sunny Spring afternoon, this term’s Boarding Star winners enjoyed our annual Easter Egg hunt on the moor.  They […]

Down on the farm

The boarders made the most of the gorgeous weather on Sunday with a visit to Longdown Activity Farm.  The now […]

Down on the farm - Goat
Year 8 Wicked Wednesday

Year 8’s Wicked Wednesday

It was fun to hand over the reins to Year 8 on Wednesday night as they planned and led the […]

Wellbeing Wednesday

This week’s Wicked Wednesday focused on the body and mind, hence being renamed Wellbeing Wednesday. Four different activities were organised: […]

Wellbeing Wednesday

‘The best weekend ever’….

This comment was made by one of Year 7 boarders at the end of last weekend and as you can […]

A relaxing Sunday

This morning was a very wet and windy affair here in Fordingbridge.  Thankfully, a variety of indoor activities had been […]

A relaxing Sunday
Valentine Supper

Valentine Supper

Love might not have been in the air on Thursday night but that certainly didn’t stop FSM’s senior pupils from […]

FSM’s Got Talent

The DHH came alive on Wednesday evening as the FSM community of boarders, day children and parents gathered to see […]

FSM's Got Talent

Attend an Open Day

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