The boarders made the most of the gorgeous weather on Sunday with a visit to Longdown Activity Farm.  The now aspiring farmers thoroughly enjoyed feeding the goats, both big and small, and were especially reluctant to hand back the guinea pigs in the petting zoo. Everyone had an absolute blast on the go-karts, returning several times during the course of the afternoon to race and push each other around the course. Lunch (and a sweet or two!) was enjoyed in the glorious sunshine before they once again returned to the beloved go-karts.

The trampolines were an unexpected highlight, the girls enjoyed expert mentoring from Miss North in how to do all the best flips and tricks and the boys spent hours in the hay bales racing around. Boarders soaked up the last of the sun upon their return to FSM, brushing up on their rounders skills in a late afternoon game. This active, outdoorsy weekend prepared them well for an early Sunday night routine, ready for the final week of term!

Miss Bismire