Your children’s well-being, happiness and mental health is at the forefront of our school’s objectives and we deliver this message in lots of different ways. In this the week of mental health awareness, we invited the NSPCC into school to run a series of assemblies and workshops for our children in Years R-6 on the subject of, Speak Out, Stay Safe.
The assemblies and workshops were child-centred, interactive and friendly but delivered the serious message about staying safe. They sensitively discussing issues like bullying and sexual abuse, without using scary words or adult language.
The children were given information about the importance of speaking to a trusted adult and, if necessary, childline
I think we all agree that the work of the NSPCC is invaluable and we are inviting the children in Years 2-6 to take part in a ‘commando challenge’ as part of a fund raising activity for this worthwhile cause. We would be most grateful if any sponsorship money or donations could be given to your child’s teacher by Monday 4 November.
Written by: Mrs Cochand