What a Day It Was for Our Fantastic Sports Scholarship Pupils!

Yesterday was an extraordinary day for all our dedicated sports scholarship pupils as we welcomed the incredible James Lelliott to lead the sessions. James, a former FSM pupil and international long jumper who represented England, is now a renowned personal trainer and strength and conditioning coach. His expertise and experience were truly invaluable throughout the morning.


The Day

The morning kicked off with an array of athletic performance reviews, covering disciplines such as the long jump, the high jump, and the demanding 800 meters. Our talented candidates showcased their skills, determination, and passion as they pushed themselves to new heights under James’ watchful guidance. It was a sight to behold, witnessing the future stars of athletics giving their all and displaying their potential for greatness.


Sports Scholarship Day – Gym Assessments

The candidates then had the opportunity to visit the esteemed David Lloyd Club in Ringwood for gym assessments. This allowed them to further assess their overall fitness, strength, and conditioning levels. With state-of-the-art equipment at their disposal, our athletes were able to fine-tune their techniques and receive personalised guidance from our Director of Sport, Mr Hancock.

Sports Scholarship Day – Swimming

Sports Scholarship Day - Swimming


As the afternoon rolled in, our Scholarship Day shifted its focus to our pool area, where our pupils were led by the esteemed former GB swimmer, Ms Sally King. With her vast knowledge and expertise, Ms King provided invaluable insights into butterfly swim techniques and performance optimization. The pupils were able to refine their stroke, work on their endurance, and enhance their overall swimming abilities, all under the expert guidance of a seasoned professional. This was finished off nicely with exhausting fun in the shape of water polo.

We want to extend our heartfelt congratulations to all our incredible scholarship pupils for their unwavering commitment and outstanding performance throughout the day. The dedication, drive, and sportsmanship displayed by each and every one of them were truly commendable. It was evident that they had put in countless hours of practice and hard work to reach such remarkable levels of skill and athleticism.


Thank you to all our Coaches

We also express our deepest gratitude to James Lelliott for sharing his expertise and inspiring our pupils to strive for excellence. His journey from being a former pupil to an international long jumper and now a successful personal trainer and strength and conditioning coach serves as a shining example of what can be achieved through perseverance and dedication.
Furthermore, we extend our thanks to Ms Sally King for her invaluable guidance and contribution to our pupils’ swimming performance. Her experience as a former GB swimmer undoubtedly left a lasting impact on our athletes, inspiring them to push their boundaries and pursue their swimming dreams with renewed vigour.

Yesterday was an exceptional day for our sports scholarship program, filled with thrilling performances, personal growth, and the forging of lasting connections. We are immensely proud of our pupils’ achievements and eagerly look forward to witnessing their continued success both on and off the field.

Well done, everyone! It was truly a fantastic day that will be etched in our memories for years to come. The future of sports looks incredibly bright, thanks to the remarkable talent we have the privilege of nurturing and supporting.


Sports Scholarship Day – The Photographs

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