This week it was announced that four pupils were to gain their Cricket Colours.

Cricket Colours Group


Cricket Colours Citations


Enrique and Alvaro

A huge well done to Enrique and Alvaro. They have gained their Half Colours in cricket. These two boys epitomise everything that playing in a team and representing FSM is all about. Having played very little cricket, they have both absolutely thrown themselves into everything and been brilliant, constantly striving to improve themselves as players.


Well done to Charlie, who has also gained his Half Colours.
Charlie has opened the batting throughout the season and found runs tough to come by until his fantastic unbeaten 50 against Stroud, where he just did the basics right…blocked straight balls, dispatched bad ones and ran well between the wickets. Charlie has been an essential member of the side as wicket keeper and is reasonably tidy, conceding only one bye in the match against Clayesmore.


Dudley has been awarded his Full Colours.

Dudley has captained the side and largely made all the decisions on the field of play by himself. He sets the standard for how the team supports each other through thick and thin. Although full of promise, his batting has not yet fully taken off (there is still time for a big score Dudley!), whilst his opening bowling has been accurate and lively. Despite the team struggling, Dudley is a player who would play in any other 1st XI on our circuit. It is to his great credit that he remains upbeat, positive and supportive of the other boys in his team, that’s what it is, HIS team. He is a real leader and I would like to play in a team captained by Dudley. I have no doubt that he will have a successful cricketing career ahead of him and he fully deserves his full colours for cricket.


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