Last weekend FSM’s Brownies set off on their Big Adventure. An early start on Saturday saw them take part in the Regional Day event: a busy circuit of 35 different Olympic-themed activities, in teams of 4 – 7 Brownies. There were nearly 500 Brownies altogether, making up a total of 83 teams. FSM had 3 teams.

FSM Brownie Camp

Brownie Camp 2024 Group

In sweltering weather, the girls took on physical, crafty and mental challenges. Imagine our delight when, at the presentations, the FSM A team was presented with the silver medals! 2nd place! 
That evening, tired, but still buzzing, the girls enjoyed pizza for supper, then prepared little entertainment sketches around the campfire (which Robin managed to light despite Flamingo forgetting to bring matches… ). This was part of their Performing badge. Entertainment over, it was s’mores o’clock. The giant marshmallow & biscuit ‘sandwiches’ went down a treat, along with hot chocolate although, in retrospect, perhaps sugar-loading before bed is not the best timing. We won’t mention how long it took the Brownies to settle to sleep, but it was lovely to see some of our older girls looking after those who were on their first-ever night away from their parents. 
Brownie Camp 2024 Roller Blading
Up early for a delicious breakfast, the girls then completed a Scavenger Hunt challenge, before working on some more interest badges: Mindfulness, then Aviation. Emily & Marta won the highest & furthest paper aeroplane flights respectively. After lunch, came the Big Top Secret Activity, which Miss N has refused to give any clues about for weeks. Bounce Fit! It was BRILLIANT!! Beaming Brownie faces told the story better than any written description. Exhausted – in a good way – there was time for a tidy-up before loading girls and gear back onto the buses and returning to school.
A massive thanks to Mrs S for giving up her weekend. She deserves a gold medal!

Brownie Camp Photographs

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