Harvest Festival October 13, 2023

Last Friday, our school community came together to celebrate the spirit of generosity and the joy of giving at our annual Nursery and Pre Prep Harvest Festival. It was a heartwarming occasion, filled with song, appreciation, and recognition of our little ones’ remarkable achievements.

The highlight of the event was the presence of a special guest, Mrs. Annette Wright, who graced us with her wisdom and insights from the Ringwood Trussell Trust. She spoke passionately about the vital role that the donations collected during the Harvest Festival play in supporting local families across our region with essential food parcels. Her words served as a poignant reminder of the impact we can make through our collective efforts.

Harvest Festival Singing

The Festival began with the delightful voices of our youngest pupils, as they sang a repertoire of harvest songs that filled the room with joy. The enchanting performance included the ever-popular ‘Cauliflower Fluffy’ and an old favourite, ‘Big Red Combine Harvester,’ which had the audience tapping their feet and singing along.

As the Harvest Festival unfolded, our children’s bright smiles and heartfelt songs underscored the importance of coming together as a community to support those in need. Their enthusiastic and sincere performances touched the hearts of everyone in attendance.

The festivities continued with a Celebration Assembly, where we proudly recognized the outstanding achievements of our Pre Prep children. The room was filled with pride and applause as these young learners were awarded for their hard work, dedication, and accomplishments. It was a moment of great joy, not only for the students but also for their families and teachers.

We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the children who received awards during the Celebration Assembly. Your commitment to excellence is truly inspiring, and we are immensely proud of your achievements.

Harvest Festival – The Photographs

In conclusion, the Nursery and Pre Prep Harvest Festival was not only a day to remember but also a powerful testament to the strength of our school community. The spirit of giving, the beauty of song, and the celebration of our pupils’ accomplishments all came together to create a truly unforgettable event.

We extend our gratitude to Mrs. Annette Wright for her enlightening words and to all the parents, teachers, and students who made this festival a resounding success. Your generosity and support will undoubtedly make a significant impact on the lives of local families in need.

As we wrap up this year’s Harvest Festival, we look forward to continuing our tradition of giving, sharing, and celebrating the achievements of our incredible young learners. Well done, everyone! 


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