Forres Sandle Manor Year 2s Placed Third in DSWF Global Canvas – Children’s Wildlife Art Competition

We are incredibly proud to announce that our Year 2 pupils have been placed third in the DSWF Global Canvas – Children’s Wildlife Art Competition. This achievement is a testament to the dedication and creativity of the pupils, who submitted an entry that reflected their term’s topic on Biodiversity and Endangered Species.

With over 4,000 entries from schools across the world, the competition was fierce. However, the Year 2s stood out with their unique and impressive artwork. Their entry featured a woven piece of art that showcased the complex web of life and the importance of biodiversity. The horizontal canvas represented animals while the vertical canvas depicted plant life, beautifully decorated with drawings and paintings.

Global Canvas - The Entry

DSWF Global Canvas – The Project

The children faced a significant challenge in weaving the two canvases together, but they worked together as a team to complete the project. Using branches from the school woods to hold the weave in place, they created a stunning masterpiece that captured the attention of the judges.

The artwork also carried a meaningful message, as the pupils realized that some of the animals and plants were covered up. They were initially disappointed, but they soon realized that this could be a reflection of how many animals are becoming extinct and the need to care for our planet.

We are so proud of the Year 2s’ achievement and the message they conveyed through their artwork. The school continues to foster a love for the environment and inspire children to take action for a sustainable future.

Our Head of Art and Year 2 Teacher Mrs Dixon-Clarke said:

With our learning powers as a key focus, the children collaborated, communicated and worked independently throughout this project. Regardless of this fabulous result, the children are already winners in our eyes.


Global Canvas – Year 2s’ Video


Global Canvas Entry – The Photographs

Global Canvas Entry – The Results

See all about the competition and the results here.