Forest Schooling is an outdoor education approach that encourages children to explore and learn about the natural environment. It involves regular outdoor sessions where children are allowed to take risks, learn through play and experience the wonders of nature. One of the key aspects of Forest Schooling is the emphasis on risk management, and this was evident in a recent river walk taken by a group of Forest Schoolers.

Forest School - River Walk

River Walk

During the river walk, the children were able to put their risk management skills into practice. They helped each other navigate the various obstacles, such as slippery rocks and steep banks. This not only built their physical skills but also their teamwork and collaboration skills as they worked together towards a common goal.

Of course, outdoor activities like these often involve getting wet and muddy, and this was no exception. The children’s wet clothes and muddy boiler suits might have been an inconvenience for the matrons and parents, but the huge grins on the children’s faces made it clear that it was all completely worth it. They had a blast exploring the river and its surroundings, and they learned valuable lessons along the way.

It’s important to note that Forest Schooling isn’t just about having fun; it’s also about promoting holistic development in children. By spending time in nature, children can develop a deeper connection to the natural world, which can help to foster a sense of empathy and environmental responsibility. They can also develop important life skills such as resilience, independence, and self-confidence.

The river walk taken by the Forest Schoolers is a testament to the benefits of this outdoor education approach. The children were able to put their risk management skills into practice, develop their physical and social skills, and have fun in the process. Despite the wet clothes and muddy boiler suits, the experience was undoubtedly valuable and memorable for all involved.

Forest School – The Photographs

See more about Forres Sandle Manor Independent School News here.