It is always fascinating to witness the wonders of nature unfolding, and the life cycle of frogs is no exception. Our Nursery have been tracking the development of these amphibians have recently witnessed a significant transformation in their tadpoles.

The Life Cycle of Frogs in Nursery

The tadpoles have now metamorphosed into baby frogs, marking a thrilling milestone in the journey of these tiny creatures.

For weeks, Nursery have been carefully observing the development of the tadpoles, from the moment they hatched from the frogspawn to their growth and transformation into fully formed tadpoles.

The children have been learning about the different stages in the life cycle of frogs, from the egg to tadpole, to froglet, and finally to adult frog.

The children have been captivated by the tadpoles, observing their behaviour and learning about their habitat, food, and survival skills. They have watched as the tadpoles grew and developed, and have been eagerly waiting for the next phase in the frog’s life cycle.

Nursery - Life Cycle of Frogs

The nursery staff has taken great care in providing suitable habitats for the baby frogs, ensuring they have access to fresh water, food, and shelter. The children have been learning about the importance of caring for these delicate creatures and have been helping to feed and care for them.

The experience of witnessing the life cycle of frogs has been a fantastic opportunity for everyone involved. The children have learned about the natural world around them and have developed a greater appreciation for the complexity and beauty of nature. The nursery staff has been able to provide a hands-on learning experience that will stay with the children for years to come.

In conclusion, tracking the life cycle of frogs has been an exciting and enriching experience for the Nursery and its children. Watching the tadpoles transform into baby frogs has been a thrilling moment, and the nursery has provided a nurturing environment for these delicate creatures to thrive. The experience has demonstrated the importance of observing and caring for the natural world and has encouraged the children to develop a deeper respect for the creatures that share our planet.

Life Cycle of a Frog – The Photographs

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