Reception have all learning new routines and enjoying new experiences together.

They loved the opportunity to explore our school tractor and pick apples as we learned about ‘a’, our new letter and sound.


They also had fun starting our new Jigsaw PSED programme, learning about Jigsaw Jennie and how we all work together, and celebrating our similarities and differences. Focussing on being kind, the children were fascinated to see for themselves how, like shaving foam from a can, any unkind words or actions cannot be retracted; once they are out, they are out. The children are learning a new class prayer about being kind and love the chance to describe how they have been kind at the end of the day.


Once the apples had been picked, the children had a fabulous time making apple crumble, which they all got to take home and eat with their parents; delicious!

Reception Apple Picking Photographs

Apple Picking Video


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