Just before the end of term, Year 6 were treated to a wonderful Virtual Assembly by Jo Welphick from the David Shepherd Wildlife Trust as part of their Life Skills and Art lesson. 

David Shepherd was a wildlife painter. As an artist, he donated paintings to be sold for wildlife charities and eventually set up his own wildlife charity. This charity focused on Chimpanzees, African elephants, rhinos, painted dogs, snow leopards, pangolins, tigers and lions. These are all endangered. The children learned about the reasons why they had become endangered:

Illegal wildlife trade

Habitat loss

Human interaction

Climate change




Invasive species

They also learned about how the charity helps, such as raising awareness, monitoring wildlife, supporting wildlife rangers, education and communities,habitat protection, rescue rehabilitation and release. It was very interesting and the children were very attentive. Tommy even created a painting about the snow leopard and its habitat in the Art club that evening.

Written by: Mrs Whiteley