We were delighted to be able to hold our ABRSM practical exams at FSM last week after the disappointment of our spring term exams being cancelled due to the lockdown back in March.  

Mrs Rowntree is enormously proud of all the children’s achievements and how they have shown such GRIT and determination to move forward with their music making during this extraordinary year.  

Congratulations to everyone who took their exam, we had a 100% pass rate. The results are as follows:


Autumn 2020 Music exam results

Grade 1

Livi W: Clarinet Pass (116)

Alexander M: Horn Merit (121)

Leila D L: Flute Merit (125)

Felicity A: Cello Distinction (133)

Grade 2

Harriet P: Piano Pass (111)

Libby F: Singing Pass (114)

Sheba G: Piano Merit (121)

Emily R: Saxophone Distinction (130)

Grade 3

Boo H: Singing Pass (107)

Alexander M: Singing Pass (113)

Sheba G: Singing Pass (113)

Ella L: Singing Pass (116)

Felicity A: Piano Pass (117)

Gus M: Clarinet Merit (120)

Grade 4

Freya L: Singing Pass (118)

Boo H: Flute Merit (122)

Grade 5

Noah G: Piano Merit (126)

Noah G: Jazz Alto Sax Distinction (130)
Grade 6
Noah G: Alto Saxophone Distinction (130)